The House of Representatives
The House of Representatives was modelled on the British, and even now, in any matter of procedure not provided for by its own rules and practices, the rules and practices of the British House of Commons are followed. The House of Representatives has 16 members: 15 elected for a five-year term in single-seat constituencies, and a speaker. The elections are by the first-past-the-post system.
The House of Representatives is the focal point of parliamentary activity and public attention, the grand forum of the nation, where major national and international issues are debated; where the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition may be seen in regular confrontation; where Cabinet Ministers defend the policies and conduct of their departments; where the nation’s business in freely and openly transacted, all that is said and done being faithfully recorded.
Parliament makes the laws and the House of Representatives plays the predominant part in making them. Any member can introduce bills, except bills involving expenditure or taxation, which can only be introduced by the government. Since the responsibilities of government now extend into almost every sphere of activity, and since most government action involves spending money (and raising it by taxes, fees, loans, and so forth), most of the time of the House is spent on Government Bills.
Every bill must pass both Houses and receive the Royal Assent before it becomes law. Assent is signified by the Governor General.
By law a general election must be held at least once every five years. However, Parliament may be dissolved and an election called before the statutory period has elapsed, and this is what normally happens. The power to dissolve Parliament is a royal prerogative exercised by the Governor General, normally on the advice of the Prime Minister.
Members of The House of Representatives

Hon. Leo Cato
Speaker of the House of Representatives

Hon. Dickon Mitchell
Prime Minister of Grenada and
Minister for Infrastructure and Physical Development, Public Utilities, Civil Aviation and Transportation
Minister for National Security, Home Affairs, Public Administration, Information and Disaster Management
Minister for National Security, Home Affairs, Public Administration, Information and Disaster Management

Hon. Lennox J. Andrews
Minister for Economic Development, Planning, Agriculture and Lands, Forestry, Marine Resources, and Cooperatives

Hon. Joseph Andall
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Export Development

Hon. Philip A. Telesford
Minister for Health
Hon. Dennis Cornwall
Minister for Finance

Hon. Tevin Andrews
Minister for Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs and Local Government

Hon. Ron L. Redhead

Hon. Kerryne Z. James
Minister for Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy

Hon. Andy Williams
Minister for Mobilisation, Implementation and Transformation

Hon. Delma Thomas
Minister for Mental Health, Wellness, and Religious Affairs, with a special focus on the Mt. Gay Psychiatric Hospital

Dr. The Right Hon. Keith C. Mitchell
Leader of His Majesty's Opposition

Hon. Kate Lewis-Peters

Hon. Emmalin Pierre

Hon. Peter David